Home In previous issues Presenting a very good AA vintage in Pompadour

Presenting a very good AA vintage in Pompadour

Hope and Roses Mel (Persicko [Arab] x Khandjer Joli AA) 1st – 3yo AA endurance male

By Pascale Caillouet (Translated by Jonathan Landi) / ANAA
Photography: Lova Vettese/Mouv’Media

During the JIAA Pompadour (the International Anglo-Arabian Day), the breed showcased events with the Anglo-Arabian Festival. A total of 84 horses were on display and, contrary to the pessimistic forecases earlier in the year, the 2020 birth rate remains on an upward curve. In fact, 2020 could be best described as a very good vintage.

In addition to the presence of faithful subscribers such as the Élevage Domerguie, Miranda de Toulouse-Lautrec, Virginie Chaperot-Regazzacci, Jean Louis Aussure (Élevage des Loges), the Élevage d'Elpegère, and the Haras de Champeix, and many others; one also mustn’t forget the constant presence of the big guns of the AA breeding world such as M. Challier (Haras d'Ivraie). The latter’s draft consisted of two two-year-olds and as many foals; the presence of Mme Dutrait (Élevage de Buissy) didn’t go unnoticed, and some of the familiar names of the AA riding division such as Pierre de Bastard, Manu Charmes, and Claude Joigneau were also in attendance. The latter also presented the foal of Monsieur Moutet who was crowned champion in its class.
Thanks to the drive of Virginie Chaperot and the generosity of the event organisers there was abundance of gifts on offer. In fact, Chaperot and her diligent support team ensured that each participant was rewarded individually with a quaint offering in this department.
In line with past trends, purchases were made in the all categories, and pure breed aficionados were able to view some very choice lots, and especially in Sections I and II.
It also hasn’t gone unnoticed that, for some years now, breeders have been making the effort to seek and tap into very established and pure AA bloodlines, and these interesting breeding patterns are beginning to bear fruit.



Hippie de Brenne (Fusain du Defey x Cardero [Holst]) Selected for eventing ‘Les espoirs du complets’ by France Complet

The ANAA (Association Nationale Anglo-Arabe) is out to attract more purebred younger stock, but it’s above all seeking to target the two-/three-year-old colts and fillies’ divisions so as to ensure a greater presence of these age groups in the various finals.
So well done to all the various champions! Consequently, all that remains to be done is to grace the competitive arena, and to climb the steps of sporting podium!

M&A Endurance – a major novelty factor

The ANAA has initiated the Modèle & Allures (physical build and gait) Endurance category following the decision by ACA (Association Nationale Française du Cheval Arabe pur-sang et demi-sang/the French national association for pure- and part-bred Arabian horses) in 2019 to restrict their endurance classes (foals/two-year-olds/three-year-olds) to purebred Arabians.
Anglo-Arabian horses are fully entitled to compete in the endurance sector: Cashel Pontadour (29.7%), an eight-year-old AA mare born at the establishment of Francois Maillot, underscored this following a fine display in the 120-kilometre endurance event in the summer; and Asmine des Pacouli (75%), the recent French champion, is another case in point.
Four three-year-olds and two foals were presented. Admittedly that’s not a lot, but it constitutes a good start, nonetheless, and the ANAA intends to continue down this pathway, and is banking that these steps will encourage more breeders of endurance types to participate in the 2021 event.s2If !is_user_logged_in()].. To read the complete article you need to be a subscriber