Home News flash No breeding championship for Swiss Sport Horses

No breeding championship for Swiss Sport Horses


The board of the ZVCH (Swiss Breeding Association of Swiss Sport Horses) has analysed the situation of sport  and breeding events due to the Corona pandemic and has just announced their decisions.

The championship for Swiss Sport Horses will not take place in 2020. It was planned from September 17-20 in Avenches for showjumping and dressage, and has been postponed to 2021.

All the other events will take place: The show for Swiss premium broodmares will take place in Avenches from September 17-20. At the same time, the show for foals will take place as well as the licensing of the ZVCH.

The ZVCH is aware, that cancelling the Swiss Championship will be a disappointment for many breeders and riders, but without the guarantee for a show as good as last year, the risk is simply too high. They are assessing the possibility of honouring the best horses in both disciplines according to their results during 2020.