Home Auctions New auction results

New auction results


Auction results and stallion rankings have now been posted from the following auctions:

2020-08-03 -  BWFA Seacost Stable auction  (BEL)
2020-08-01 -  ESI Online foals auction  (GER)
2020-08-04-Grand prix sales foals online auction (NED)
2020-08-01- DSP Uberflieger jumping foals auction (GER)
2020-08-04-Young horses Z Online auction (BEL)
2020-08-08-09 - Hannoverian foals august  - Online auction (GER)
2020-08-11-Hunter's Studfarm Z Online auction (BEL)
2020-08-11 - PS Online jumping foals auction Ankum (GER)
2020-08-10-Studdutch midsummer online auction (NED)
2020-08-14-  Holstein - Online sport horses auction (GER)
2020-08-15 - Holstein - Online foals auction (GER)
2020-08-15-Oldenbourg 19th Elite foals auction (GER)
2020-08-16 - Helsgtrand and PS Online foals auction (GER)
2020-08-16-Horse sales 2nd online auction (NED)
2020-08-16- DSP sport horses summer auction (GER)
2020-08-17- Van Olst online foals auction (NED)
2020-08-10-KWPN online foals auction 2 (NED)
2020-08-16-DWB streaming  foals auction  (DEN)
2020-08-19-  Trigon foals auction -  group2  (NED)
2020-08-18 - Fences Jump Alliance Haras des Forets auction (FRA)
2020-08-22-Foal auction 111 6th edition (BEL)
2020-08-21- Veiling dronten - starsale foals auction (NED)
2020-08-21 - Bolesworth elite foal auction (GBR)
2020-08-21- PaardenVeiling online auction part 2 (NED)
2020-08-22- ESI cloud seven online Online 2 auction (GER)
2020-08-26- Ekestrian Jumping elite online auction (FR)
2020-08-26-Horse auction Belgium quality jumpers (BEL)
2020-08-25 - PS Online young jumpers auction Ankum (GER)
2020-08-22- DSP foals auction shooting star  auction (GER)
2020-08-31-KWPN online foals auction 3 ISM VDL Stud (NED)
2020-08-24-KWPN 3 YO auction (NED)
2020-08-27 - Borculo elite foal auction (NED)
2020-08-27- Riedlinger foals market (GER)
2020-08-29-Oldenbourg 19th Elite foals auction  2 (GER)
2020-08-30 - Bjorn Nagel Online auction (GER)
2020-08-25- Zangersheide Online foals auction part 4 (BEL)
2020-08-31-Foal auction 111 online edition (BEL)
2020-08-08- Flanders-Foals-auction-Kronenberg (NED)


Cornet Obolensky has become the leading stallion, his 102 sold offspring netting 2,089,280 €

To see the fill auction results click here