Home In previous issues Munich’s top young horses

Munich’s top young horses

Premium stallion by Fürst Romancier (out of Caprice x Carpac- cio)with r-l: Wolf Lahr of Süddeutschen Pferdezuchtverbände, Sabine Henning, breeder Edwin Schuster, and preparer Matthias Schepper - Photo: Krenz

GERMANY (translation by Sonja Grob) The winning stallions from Desperados and Lloyd Georges enthused at the main licensing and auction in Munich. Organised by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sueddeutscher Pferdezuchtverbaende (AGS) and Sueddeutsche Pferdezuchtverbaende Vermarktungs GmbH (SPV) the young horses fetched good prices.

The dressage ‘winner’ was a big, smart son of Despera- dos (out of Glücksfee x Dia- mond Hit) who also demon- strated great movement on the lunge line. Dressage commissar Joerg Schrödter described him as “born for dressage” and the young dark stallion was, therefore, highly popular during the auction. In fact, many foreign stallion owners attended with the desire to acquire him, but it was Sara Marburg from Munich who exhibited great staying power and won the bid at €310,000 (US$33,467)! A new price record, and it was also a pleasure for the local breeders as the Wadenspanner stud farm in Rottenburg will have responsibility for his breeding career. From the day she bred him, until now, Beate Fischer from Singham has owned this dark colt...