Home News flash Messecenter Herning hosts 900 stallions

Messecenter Herning hosts 900 stallions


A total of 900 stallions for selection, as well as dressage and showjumping horses from more than 20 countries have moved into MCH Messecenter Herning to compete for awards at the annual Danish Warmblood Stallion Show 2020. The stallion licensing is seen as the finale where some of the best dressage 'premium' stallions from around Europe come to compete. This huge and unique event gives visitors the opportunity to enjoy a combination of sport and breeding.

The careers of many renowned dressage stallions have been launched at Herning shows, such as Zonik, Sezuan and Hesselhøj Donkey Boy – who collectively sired five of the nine medallists at the dressage World Breeding Championship for Young Horses in Ermelo last year – a growing influence for Danish Warmblood. Alongside the stallion licensing, breeding enthusiasts will see dressage and showjumping classes that will provide a complete picture of stallions in sport and breeding.

The Danish Warmblood Stallion Show runs from today until March at the Jyske Bank Boxen of MCH Messecenter, Herning.