Home News flash Last chance Hanoverian 138th Elite Auction

Last chance Hanoverian 138th Elite Auction

Just Do It (Jovian x Fürst Romancier) Hann Verband

The 138th Elite Auction of the Hannoveraner Verband offers the last opportunity this year to purchase a top-class foal online in Verden on Sunday, October 24. The lot of 25 representatives of the 2021 vintage will be completed by 24 selected two-and-a-half-year-old young stallions. Bids can be submitted at any time, with the final bid-up for the foals starting at 4:00 p.m. CET. However, this auction will open at 2:00 p.m. CET, on Saturday, October 23, with the 81 excellent riding horses.

The 25 highly interesting foals with dressage and jumping pedigrees belong to an elite collection of sires, including shooting stars such as Bentley van de Heffinck, Dynamic Dream, and Viconte as well as proven sires such as San Amour, Vitalis, or Nartago.

The young stallions were selected during the pre-selection for the licensing of the dressage stallions. They have exquisite pedigrees, which include everything that has rank and name in dressage horse breeding. They can be inspected personally by appointment in Verden until Sunday, before the final bid-up begins at 6:00 p.m. CET.

Info: www.hannoveraner.com