THE NETHERLANDS (by Christopher Hector & Adriana van Tilburg) The KWPN stallion show has become a must-visit for serious students of sport horse breeding. The audience includes administrators from Europe’s leading breeding associations checking out what the Dutchies are up to, a good number of international dealers, thousands of dedicated breeders looking for the next step in their breeding program, plus a growing band of foreign visitors who simply come to enjoy one of the world’s great equestrian experiences...
This year the format had changed, with showjumping horses occupying the first two days, and dressage horses, the next two. Day one of the jumping was a bit of a disappointment, lots of very cute horses, but not a lot of power to be seen, as Adriana van Tilburg reports:
Future jumping stallions?
The Dutch sure know how to make a show. The KWPN stallion approvals is a well-organized event with good music, lighting, a very interesting trade village, as well as very nice people to help out journalists with their never-ending questions.

My last visit to the event was in 2003, so my information was in dire need of an update... The first day was a drama! One Dutch journalist said, “it was the worst day in the last 10 years!” Did I pick the wrong year to come? What we saw were colts bred to jump, but with no scope or stallion type. One colt I liked was Haines by Carambole out of Stakkonita Z by Stakkato. He had stallion presence and showed a good jump. He could have opened his hindquarters a bit more but he was okay...