Home In previous issues Impressive young Warmbloods at NZ 3DE championships

Impressive young Warmbloods at NZ 3DE championships

Best mare award to 5yo Waitangi Pinterest (Cassiano - Amberlou x Aberlou xx) with Madison Crowe (NZL) Photo: Jane Thompson

NEW ZEALAND (by Sally Reid) The National Three-Day Eventing Championships in Taupo bring New Zealand’s eventing season to a close. Competition is fierce for the three CCI titles, and for the Young Event Horse class. For sport horse breeders, 2017’s results were very mixed: not so good in the main class (the CCI3*) where Thoroughbreds reigned supreme, but very promising at the other two levels and in the young horse class. Holstein/Thoroughbred crosses were the best represented, with three good placings.

The only two sires to have been represented by more than one well-placed horse in any of the four classes were the Hanoverian, Euro Sport Centavos (Escudo I x Argentinus), and the NZ-bred Thoroughbred Guillotine xx. The European supersire Rubenstein I appeared further back in several pedigrees, and a few surprising breeds popped up in others.

All levels of the CCI dressage were ridden in heavy rain and roaring wind, and the cross-country track was tough, although the weather had fortunately improved. Needless to say, as is so often the case, the show-jumping phase proved very influential!

National Young Event Horse

There were 25 young horses in the running for this very desirable title, which is open to four- and five-year-olds, and is judged on dressage, showjumping, cross-country jumping, conformation and gallop. It was entirely dominated by geldings, who claimed the top 14 places...