Home News flash Holsteiner Verband young stallions presentation

Holsteiner Verband young stallions presentation

Dubliner (Dinken) (Ph: Janne Bugtrup)

To give a clear overview of the younger stallions of the Holsteiner Verband Hengsthaltes GmbH - that was the intention of the presentation on May 1, which has now become a traditional event. And so 16 sires between the ages of three and eight appeared to the audience at Herbert-Blöcker-Platz and on the screens at ClipMyHorse.tv.

“All the stallions performed very well. Nevertheless, there were some highlights for me. On the one hand, this was the very first public appearance of our three-year-olds under saddle. Cascolero (Casall), Crinch (Clarimo), Cantato (Keaton), Karlo de Kalvarie (Kassander van't Roosacker), and United Pleasue (United Way) all appeared comfortable and physically well developed. That was special in my opinion,” summed up a satisfied managing director Sebastian Rohde. “My heartfelt thanks go to Jayke Junge and Minou Eggers, who did an excellent job with a lot of feeling in presenting our youngest ones, all of whom have already bred several mares and can also show pregnancies.”

No longer a three-year-old, but also outstanding for Sebastian Rohde, the four-year-old Deichkind (Don VHP). The chestnut stallion also appeared to have matured physically under the saddle of Lucas Wenz. “It’s nice to see how Lucas and the stallions have found each other over the past few months,” Rohde continued. Lucas Wenz also took part in the saddle of Dubliner (Dinken), Cahil (Cornet Obolensky), and Corfu de la Vie (Cumano Square). And of course one person couldn't be missed: Rolf-Göran Bengtsson was sure to be something many spectators were looking forward to, and the characterful Swede didn't disappoint. Comme il faut and Keaton (Kannan) brought with him to Elmshorn, and both stallions knew how to impress over the course and with their rideability.

“With this event we wanted to give the breeders an interesting and entertaining overview of our younger stallions. I think we succeeded. We are pleased that this offer was so well received. Now we are starting the green tournament season and hope that we can continue the positive trend,” Sebastian Rohde concluded at the end of the day.

Anyone who was unable to follow the presentation live or in the stream has the opportunity to do so with a free recording in the ClipMyHorse.tv media library.