Home In previous issues Forty Danish Warmblood colts selected for Herning 2022

Forty Danish Warmblood colts selected for Herning 2022

Dressage test champion For Real/Anne-Mette Strandby

By Thomas Bach Jensen / DWB
Photography: ridehesten.com

At the Danish Warmblood pre-selection of stallion for the stallion licensing in March 2022, the judges announced 18 jumping and 22 dressage colts.

All together with the many imported colts they will comprise the collection of young stallions presented for approval at the Danish Warmblood Licensing in March.

Zodiac D – 3yo jumping champion – alongside his breeders, Maria and Liselotte Frederiksen

Twenty-eight complete 35-day test

Danish Warmblood’s 35-day test for stallion had over 30 participants this year, and 28 of them completed the test. Stallions that are already approved by Danish Warmblood and have achieved 800 points or above are invited to their final approval at the stallion licensing in Herning in March 2022.
In dressage, four stallions ranked very closely at the top, where Helgstrand’s For Real (Blue Hors Farrell - La Castania x Lord Loxley I) achieved the highest total score overall. The top scoring three-year old approved stallion among the jumpers achieved 860 points. His name is Zodiac D (Zinedine x Diamant deSemilly) and his dam Dublé is an international showjumper at 1m50 level.

Important Dates

March 9-13 – Danish Warmblood Stallion Licensing

Åtoftens Jovani – represents the first crop by young-horse world champion, Jovani

For results table please see the online edition of Breeding news