Home Auctions FENCES Deauville classic auction most valuable of the year so far

FENCES Deauville classic auction most valuable of the year so far


On Saturday 13th August FENCES held their latest auction and even with only 26 horses sold, this proved to be the most valuable of the year so far, with total sales of €1,617,000

Two horses were sold for prices in excess of €200,000, the seven-year-old BWP gelding Pursa vd Dael, by For Passion d'Ive Z sold for €230,000 and five-year-old Cloe Newcastle Z by Comilfo Plus Z who fetched €210,000

See the full results of the FENCES auction here

This is a busy month for auctions and new results are added almost daily so check back often to see how the stallion rankings are changing.

Currently Chacco-Blue is still way out on front, being the only stallion who has sired sales in excess of €3 million form 187 sales. Cornet Obolensky remains in second place, although over €1 million behind the leader.