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DWB elite foals

Straight Horse Sezuanna

DENMARK (by Anne-Sofie Schou Munk) With the success of this year’s Danish Warmblood elite foal auction, the auction committee has proved that their system works – as a number of new, alongside established customers, invested in future stars.

In an atmospheric show hall in Vilhelmsborg, the foals sold for an overall total of nearly DKr4 million ($602,405), with an average of DKr80,000 ($12,048)

With some 1,100 diners at- tending in the big show hall, it became a ver y festive foal auction, where the auctioneer Casper Cassøe put the hammer down on 59 lots, securing an impressive sales rate of 83 percent. There was also enthusiastic foreign interest in the foals with buyers coming from Australia, Nor way, Sweden, Czech Republic and the USA.

The most expensive foal was called Lissaus Ginger (Franklin x Sandro Hit), bred by Majbritt Lissau. She finally went to Nor wegian customer Alexandra An- dresen at a price of DKr350,000 ($52,710) fol- lowing an exciting bidding duel with Danish interna- tional dressage rider An- dreas Helstrand who owns the father of the very attractive filly. Along with her mother, Kristin Andresen, Alexandra already owns an impressive number of Dan- ish Warmblood horses, among which is the stallion Hesselhøjs Donkey Boy, champion in Herning in 2015 and awarded with gold in Herning this year.

The second most expensive foal, again a filly, and of entirely special performance breeding origins, came from the Bøgegården Stud: Straight Horse Zarina (Blue Hors Zalabaster x Blue Hors Don Schufro), from Straight Horses ApS owned by Mogens Pedersen in Allerød. This foal is descended directly from the triple world champion Sezuan’s mother. Zarina was sold to a telephone bidder in Australia for DKr200,000 ($30,120)...