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Champion BWP foals descend from popular sires

Udo van de Beemden

By Jo de Roo
Photography: Jo de Roo

Schwarzgold, Fürst Jazz, Echo van’t Spieveld, Kasanova de la Pomme. Charisto vd Heffinck, and Comme d’Api vd Hacienda Z all sired champions during the BWP national foal championships.

Finally, able to attend a foal championship! No evidence of coronavirus during the current times when on September 12, the Vanderhasselt family hosted the National BWP and BRP foal championships.
In the option ‘showjumping’, Charisto van de Heffinck (Casall - Athena IV x Cristo) was the top supplier with three descendants, followed by Amadeo van’t Vossenhof (Asca Z -Caloma II Z x Carthago) and Pegase van’t Ruytershof (Comme Il Faut - Gianthina van ‘t Ruytershof x Cartani), who each had two descendants in the finals. With regard to dressage foals, Le Formidable (Bordeaux) was represented twice in the finals.

Success for United vd Bisschop

Bred by the De Craene family of Studfarm Den Bischop, United vd Bisschop won the series for showjumping coltsborn after May 15. Tom de Craene had this to say about this son of Comme d’Api vd Hacienda Z out of Roxette vd Bisschop. “Roxette is a three-year-old dam. We had the intention of keeping her for our breeding and sport stable, but she has now been sold to Lander De Bruyn. He saw her in a free jumping session in our stables and was determined to buy her. Adding; “I won’t drive home until the sale of that horse is completed.” I told him this would be difficult as we wanted to keep her, but we finally made an agreement so we can flush a few more embryos. “To be able to buy this dam he also had to buy seven other horses!”
Roxette is by Vigo d’Arsouilles. “Her dam, Zaroka, is a Heartbreaker x Voltaire mare. She is a half-sister to U2 (by Burggraaf) who jumped in partnership with a lesser known rider. We bought Zaroka about 10 years ago, on the advice of Dany Van Lombergen. I then did some research about her pedigree and saw that she belonged to U2’s family. Desteny van het Dennehof also belongs to this breeding family. In partnership with Grégory Wathelet, Desteny performed at five-star level. Desteny’s dam is a full sister to U2 and, therefore, a half-sister to our Zaroka. It’s a small, but highly valuable family,” De Craene explained.
United vd Bisschop also has a full sister, called Ulena vd Bisschop (Comme d’Api VD Hacienda Z), whose sire stands at stud with Tom De Craene. “Comme d’Api performed at 1m60 level under the saddle of Daniel Deusser, who was riding for Jan Tops’s sport stable at the time. Before the start of his sport career, Comme d’Api had a very limited production. It is noticeable that half of them are in international sports, including Hello Mr President who has already won two Global Champions Tour showjumping classes. I noticed Comme d’Api and his production early on and then said ‘the day he comes out of sport he should get every opportunity in breeding and I will try to buy him’, which is what I’ve done. The offspring we have from Comme d’Api are still very young. His descendants are magnificent. They have size, height, and blood, and can jump with excellent manners. His offspring also stand out in color. They usually have a lot of white markings. In addition, I can tell you that so far I have not seen any chestnut descendant of Comme d’Api.”.. To read the complete article you need to be a subscriber