Home News flash Auction raises €40,400 for Cavalier Solidaire

Auction raises €40,400 for Cavalier Solidaire


The Leather In Motion Group (LIM), comprising the Butet, Devoucoux and CWD saddle brands, recently joined forces with FENCES Agency for an extraordinary project in favour of the Cavalier Solidaire (Rider Solidarity) association.

Thanks to the 11 riders who each donated one of their own storybook saddles, as well as riding lessons for the successful bidders, a total of €40,400 was raised to benefit French riding schools and equestrian centres in difficulty as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The top price was €6,100 paid for the CWD Olympic saddle of Kevin Staut, just ahead of Patrice Delaveau's Butet saddle that sold for €5,000. Other riders who donated saddles were Morgane Barbançon, Félicie Bertrand, Marc Boblet, Roger-Yves Bost, Alexis Deroubaix, Marc Dilasser, Julien Epaillard, Alexandra Francart, and Mathieu Lemoine.

Auction results: https://www.fencesweb.com/service.html?i=85

“Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.” – Thich Nhat Hanh