Home In previous issues Summer events in Vechta

Summer events in Vechta

Catalogue #51 (Millennium x Rubin-Royal)

By Oldenberger Pferdezuchtverband/Tobias Hemken
Photography: Beelitz and LL-Foto

On Thursday, July 19, the Oldenburg Elite Broodmare Show will be held in Rastede’s Schlosspark. Everyone is waiting to see the best young mares of the Springpferdezuchtverband Oldenburg-International (OS) and the Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes (OL).

Oldenburg Elite Broodmare Show Starting at 3:30 p.m., Oldenburg’s best mares will parade around the dressage ring in Rastede, competing for a ticket to the Brillantring as well as the hotly coveted Champion Mare title.On Thursday, July 19, the Oldenburg Elite Broodmare Show will be held in Rastede’s Schlosspark. Everyone is waiting to see the best young mares of the Springpferdezuchtverband Oldenburg-International (OS) and the Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes (OL). Starting at 3:30 p.m., Oldenburg’s best mares will parade around the dressage ring in Rastede, competing for a ticket to the Brillantring as well as the hotly coveted Champion Mare title. Oldenburg‘s mares are always a sight worth looking at because of their

017 Champion mare Fürstin Gesine (Fürst Heinrich) bred by Paul Schockemöhle/Gestüt Lewitz

significant movement quality and exceptional ability to jump. The OS mares will start first – and a highlight of this event is that these mares will be shown on a large screen in free jumping while they are being presented in hand. Following this, it is the turn of the OL mares to show their movement potential. Along with quality of movement, beauty of type and feminine charm will determine the winner of the Oldenburg Elite Broodmare Show. Come and visit us in Rastede for the exciting Elite Broodmare Show. Future stars in Vechta Our next Elite Foal Auction will take place on Saturday, August 25th, and will contain a strongly selected collection of highly promising foals. The modern, top foals in this year’s collection are thrilling. The best stallions in the world are combined with sporty mare lines. Secure your future star now! The collection will be online soon. www.oldenburger-pferde.com