Home In previous issues Frida Fröhlich is 2021 queen of Deutsches Sportpferd (DSP)

Frida Fröhlich is 2021 queen of Deutsches Sportpferd (DSP)

l-r: Judges Hans Britze and Dr. Matthias Görbert, AGS chairman Carsten Grill, sponsor Hendrik Niehe from Böckmann-Center Havelland-Berlin, breeder and mare owner Reinhold Marschall, winning mare Frieda Fröhlich and handler Simon Burkardt

By Jean Llewellyn / press release
Photography: Jan Reumann (courtesy DSP)

It was a tailor-made start: the DSP mare championship, previously integrated into the main DSP licensing in Munich in January, took place recently in Darmstadt-Kranichstein for the first time.... And conditions could not have been better.

A new venue, brilliant sunshine, and mares that every breeder dreams of having in his own stable, with each of the five member associations of the AG South German Horse Breeding Associations able to nominate four mares per class: three- and four-year-old dressage mares and one category for jumping mares, for a total of 25 candidates for titles and sashes who were listed in the catalogue.
The young mares were judged by Hans Britze, breeding director of the ZfdP until 2019, alongside Dr. Mattnias Görbert – former head of the Saxon stud administration. According to Britze; “We saw a number of mares that were well worth seeing and, at the top, definitely worthy of the championship.” The former Moritzburg stable master was also enthusiastic and concluded: “We were presented with blood-imprinted, noble, and well-brought-out horses.”
The respected judging duo named three-year-old Callas, bred and owned by the renowned Bavarian breeder Anton Schindele Jnr., as the winner of the jumping mares. from Unterthingau. The dark bay, a daughter of the Kannan son Karajan out of the state premium mare Con Eleganza II by the DSP premium stallion Con Spirit convinced the judges with “beautiful parts and a long, sloping croup.” In addition, the mare has the excellent quality of movement desired by every dressage breeder, scoring a final grade of 8.50.
Bringing similarly beautiful quality of movement was the four-year-old dressage winner, whose final mark included a riding horse test evaluation, as well as an assessment for type and conformation. Bred and owned by Bavarians Jakob and Martina Reglauer from Starnberg, the spectacularly trotting Abini is a daughter of Veneziano from a Stedinger x Legendaer I dam. She was rated 7.10 in the riding horse test, with marks in hand totallying 8.66, for a final average of 7.88. The judges’ commentary stated; “A very conspicuous mare, whose movement score was the highest awarded today.” Adding that she was of “fine type, a pretty face, big eyes, and dry texture.”.. To read the complete article you need to be a subscriber