Home News flash Totilas in bronze presented to KWPN

Totilas in bronze presented to KWPN

Photo: Anniek de Wit

International artist and self-taught sculptor Brigitte Boss (53) recently surprised KWPN with a sculpture of Totilas in bronze. Totilas (Gribaldi x Glendale, bred by Jan and Anna Schuil), a horse who became a living legend generation emotion in millions and was well-known outside the world of horse lovers. According to Boss, after the sculpture was revealed; “I decided to create the sculpture of Totilas at the moment I realised how many fans I would favour by doing this. I felt hesitation at first to mix my creativity with the memory of the famous Totilas. However after talking to Nicole Werner who recounted her memory of the bright looks in audience members’ eyes are each test, I decided to let my hands do the work, as this was exactly the same emotional feeling as watchingTotilas.” She continued by saying, “For me, the horse is an ultimate mover, rarely static when free. His sheer body language and strength continues to fascinate me,” Boss explained. The work of Brigitte Boss can be characterized by the irregular surface in which Brigitte’s movements of her hand are clearly visible. The play of light ensures the highest expression and endearment. Now the physical pose of Totilas, ears, eyes, and expression really tell his specific story. KWPN director Andries van Daalen expressed grateful thanks and pride on behalf of KWPN to be able to keep the memory of Totilas alive for all visitors in Ermelo. CvA