By Ellinor Andersson / SWB (translation by Hillevi Brasch)
Photography: © Roland Thumolm
The first young horse finals of 2024 took place the second week of July at Falsterbo Horse Show when the horses had to brave inclement weather, at times so bad that classes had to be moved. Overall, several SWB horses stood out in the finals, which are open to all Warmblood studbooks.
In the four- and seven-year-old young horse classes, SWB horses were found on top podiums. Similarly, in the Nations Cup, SWB horses were part of Sweden’s gold and Germany’s silver teams. Swedish Warmbloods also appeared in the Swedish 7 Star, while many were placed in other young horse classes.
For the four-year-old jumping horses, a move from grass to fiber-sand was necessary due to the weather conditions. Out of the 23 starting combinations in the final, 15 were SWB horses. Lisen Bratt Fredricson and Sweden’s national showjumping chef d’equipe, Henrik Ankarcrona, judged the class. Marielle Sjölander won with Hellman JoF (Hemerald), scoring 35.0 points and a clear round. They were the first to start and maintained the lead throughout the class. For rider and co-owner Marielle, this was her first time riding in a four-year-old championship final. The gelding was bred by Jeanette Lilja, who runs Åsjömad Breeding station outside Laholm in southern Sweden.
Second place went to the excellent Caspar’dello AL (Cascadello I) with Johan Andersson in the saddle, finishing with 34.1 points and a clear round. The horse was bred by Alexander and Anna Lodin and is owned by Hassangården.

Third place was claimed by Johanna Wall riding the mare Donna Vigo SN (Vigo d’Arsoilles) with 33.5 points. The prefix SN is well-known for many SWB horses in showjumping and eventing, and behind it is breeder Birgitta Jonasson/Stora Nääs Stuteri. Additional SWB horses placed in the class were All About Cubaney (Eldorado van de Zeshoek) and Patek Phillippe RL (Conthargos).
According to Lisen Bratt Fredricson; “The four-year-old horses are not supposed to be polished showjumpers when they come here; it’s more about seeing the horse’s potential and that jumping a course comes easy. There needs to be power, impulsion, courage, good movement and canter, and we indeed saw that in these horses”.
The Folksam Open for five-year-old horses was moved to the dressage arena, also on fiber-sand instead of grass. This class also saw many SWB horse entries; around half with 12 out of 25. The experienced rider Sofia Farman Zetterman rode the impressive Gina KS (Gamelus R) and El Corazon (Orlando) to fifth and sixth place... To read the complete article you need to be a subscriber