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South German stallion days


GERMANY (by Helga Eppler) During Munich’s Stallion Days, the South German licensing and auction took place January 29/31. Out of 79 presented colts, 20 were licensed and six premiums awarded. The price highlight at the following auction, was the premium awarded Bailamos Biolley x Lanciano son at €240,400 ($268,705).

The six premium-awarded colts are:

Bailamos Biolley x Lanciano x Donnerschlag (Bavarian bred by Sabine Klösslinger, Sachsen, exhibited by Heinrich Ramsbrock, Menslage. “The stallion has absolute surety of rhythm, natural ca- dence in his movements, and free presenting of paces”, was the comment by the judges.

Cornet Obolensky x Caro- lus x Grossglockner (West- falian bred by Thomas Sagel, Sudheimer Hof). The stallion jumped with excellent technique and manner but was just a little soft in his top-line. “I believe this stallion will have a great career in sport as well as in breeding”, said André Thieme on behalf of the judges.

Millenenium x Samba Hit I x Rubinstern Noir (Trakhener bred by Diet- mar and Cerstin Mewes, Gardelegen). His ground paces are showing the best quality and he impressed with his excellent interior.

Los Angeles x Contender x Loutano (Bavarian bred by Petra and Guntram Miller, Ursberg). “A stallion who has no weakness”, André Thieme enthused, adding; “He convinced not only in free jumping but also on the lunge rein where he was completely loose and well balanced doing his rounds”.